FAQs, Posts, and Articles About Concrete Scanning
Library of FAQs, Posts, and Articles and Answers about Concrete Scanning
Here is a list of frequently asked questions ( FAQs ), articles, and other interesting short answers and topics about concrete scanning.
Ground Penetrating Radar and Concrete Scanning is an introductory discussion about concrete scanning, a comparison on how GPR for concrete scanning is different that GPR services for other types of applications, and this post offers an opinion from a manufacture of concrete scanning equipment about X-ray methods and the advantages of GPR.
Comments From Past Concrete Scanning Posts is more of an archive of comments from the past. It only presents a select group comments that had merit. As readers know, comments are gererated at a fairly fast rate. Many comments have little merit and dilute the topic at hand.
Types of GPR Surveys is a post that offers a fair amount of detail about antenna selections, the scale of investigations, applications for GPR other than concrete scanning (e.g. utility locating, mining, military, forensic science, environmental, ice and snow, and archaeology.
GPR Concrete Scanning Reveals Corrugated Decking Bolts is a unique post that discusses the issues with scanning a concrete slab for corrugated steel decking bolts that are used to fasten the metal to I-beams.
A review of Validation of NDT Equipment for Concrete discusses several methods for NDT, including GPR. These methods include Ultrasonic-Echo, Impact-Echo, Covermeter, GPR, and Laser Profilometer.
Future topics.
Additional posts are coming, as time allows. Topics about concrete scanning may include site preparation, how large of an area to scan, responses to reinforcing material other than metal, and other. If you have a topic of concern please contact us.

Review of Validation of NDT Equipment for Concrete